Sunday, October 23, 2011

Simon & Vicki | Sneak peak

Just 2 quick ones for now from Simon & Vicki’s wedding last Friday - 14.10.2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dreaming of Europe

If you follow my blog, you may have noticed that I’m slightly obsessed with Europe. I blame it on my European blood...

Anyway, last year July we were in Italy and the travel bug bit my co-worker, Hulda, and her husband (who, at first, couldn’t see why were wasting money on going to Europe in the first place). They went back this year on a boat trip and I thought I’d share some of her photos - maybe these will last me long enough until I return there myself...

SONY DSCSONY DSCDag 04 - MONACO & EZE, CANNES (227)Above: People in Monaco have money... Dag 04 - MONACO & EZE, CANNES (242)Dag 04 - MONACO & EZE, CANNES (247)Dag 05 - LIVORNO. PISA (174)Dag 05 - LIVORNODag 06 - ROME (97)Dag 06 - ROME (107)Dag 06 - ROME (109)Dag 06 - ROME (116)Dag 06 - ROME (165)Dag 09 - BARCELONA (04)Dag 09 - BARCELONA (09)Dag 09 - BARCELONA (28)

Happy Thursday


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My computer hates me!

Dear cyber world...

The reason why the blog has been so quiet (more than usual I should say, seeing as I'm not the most frequent blogger) is because my computer hates me.
I'm convinced of it.
It started with my computer just deciding to kick me off the internet. Then it kept crashing when I was editing photos, then it wouldn't open the photos in Photoshop.
Thankfully all the latter problems have been resolved, but still no internet.

Oh wait - you're probably wondering how I'm posting this...? :)
My laptop has internet but all my photos + Photoshop are on my PC. I considered transferring the edited photos to my laptop and then blogging from here, but... Will see how much longer my PC decides to PMS :)

Hopefully I'll be back soon!

And because a post is just not the same without a picture - here's a photo of a farm in Tuscany